72 research outputs found

    Boosted Generative Models

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    We propose a novel approach for using unsupervised boosting to create an ensemble of generative models, where models are trained in sequence to correct earlier mistakes. Our meta-algorithmic framework can leverage any existing base learner that permits likelihood evaluation, including recent deep expressive models. Further, our approach allows the ensemble to include discriminative models trained to distinguish real data from model-generated data. We show theoretical conditions under which incorporating a new model in the ensemble will improve the fit and empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our black-box boosting algorithms on density estimation, classification, and sample generation on benchmark datasets for a wide range of generative models.Comment: AAAI 201

    Flow-GAN: Combining Maximum Likelihood and Adversarial Learning in Generative Models

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    Adversarial learning of probabilistic models has recently emerged as a promising alternative to maximum likelihood. Implicit models such as generative adversarial networks (GAN) often generate better samples compared to explicit models trained by maximum likelihood. Yet, GANs sidestep the characterization of an explicit density which makes quantitative evaluations challenging. To bridge this gap, we propose Flow-GANs, a generative adversarial network for which we can perform exact likelihood evaluation, thus supporting both adversarial and maximum likelihood training. When trained adversarially, Flow-GANs generate high-quality samples but attain extremely poor log-likelihood scores, inferior even to a mixture model memorizing the training data; the opposite is true when trained by maximum likelihood. Results on MNIST and CIFAR-10 demonstrate that hybrid training can attain high held-out likelihoods while retaining visual fidelity in the generated samples.Comment: AAAI 201

    Decision Stacks: Flexible Reinforcement Learning via Modular Generative Models

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    Reinforcement learning presents an attractive paradigm to reason about several distinct aspects of sequential decision making, such as specifying complex goals, planning future observations and actions, and critiquing their utilities. However, the combined integration of these capabilities poses competing algorithmic challenges in retaining maximal expressivity while allowing for flexibility in modeling choices for efficient learning and inference. We present Decision Stacks, a generative framework that decomposes goal-conditioned policy agents into 3 generative modules. These modules simulate the temporal evolution of observations, rewards, and actions via independent generative models that can be learned in parallel via teacher forcing. Our framework guarantees both expressivity and flexibility in designing individual modules to account for key factors such as architectural bias, optimization objective and dynamics, transferrability across domains, and inference speed. Our empirical results demonstrate the effectiveness of Decision Stacks for offline policy optimization for several MDP and POMDP environments, outperforming existing methods and enabling flexible generative decision making.Comment: published at NeurIPS 2023, project page: https://siyan-zhao.github.io/decision-stacks

    AlignFlow: Cycle Consistent Learning from Multiple Domains via Normalizing Flows

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    Given datasets from multiple domains, a key challenge is to efficiently exploit these data sources for modeling a target domain. Variants of this problem have been studied in many contexts, such as cross-domain translation and domain adaptation. We propose AlignFlow, a generative modeling framework that models each domain via a normalizing flow. The use of normalizing flows allows for a) flexibility in specifying learning objectives via adversarial training, maximum likelihood estimation, or a hybrid of the two methods; and b) learning and exact inference of a shared representation in the latent space of the generative model. We derive a uniform set of conditions under which AlignFlow is marginally-consistent for the different learning objectives. Furthermore, we show that AlignFlow guarantees exact cycle consistency in mapping datapoints from a source domain to target and back to the source domain. Empirically, AlignFlow outperforms relevant baselines on image-to-image translation and unsupervised domain adaptation and can be used to simultaneously interpolate across the various domains using the learned representation.Comment: AAAI 202
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